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How To: Change how a field is displayed based on its value
Article TypeHow To
TitleChange how a field is displayed based on its value
<i>In a table I have a true/false field called <span class="smallCode">flag</span>. If <span class="smallCode">flag</span> is <b>TRUE</b>, in the grid view I'd like to display the value "Yes" and if it isn't I'd like to display "No" (instead of "true" and "false").</i><br>
Use a <a href="/default.view?Topic=views/xml/vxmlselect">ws:select</a><br>
1. In your view, select your true/false field. Its properties will appear in the right pane of the Designer.<br>
2. Change this field's Input Type property to "select".<br>
3. Click apply.<br>
You can edit the display value by editing the ws:select tag's <a href="/default.view?Topic=views/xml/vxmloption">ws:option</a> children.
Last ReviewedFebruary 20, 2015 14:08:58

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