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DataWeb User's Guide

Setting Permissions
To change a particular group's permissions for a particular folder, you modify the group's role for that folder. A role is a defined set of permissions that a group can have.

The following table describes each role and the permissions it confers on a group.

Role Description
Owner The Owner role is always assigned to the Owner group, and can't be changed; nor can any other group be assigned the Owner role. The web owner can perform any operation on the web.
Administrator The Administrators group is assigned one and only one role, the Administrator role. The Administrator role confers on the Administrators group the ability to perform any operation on the web except for changing the owner.
Manager The Manager role confers on a group the ability to set security (meaning that they can assign folder-level permissions), design tables and views, and create, edit, and delete records. The Staff group, and the Members group can have the Manager role.
Designer Designers can design tables and views and create, edit, and delete records. The Staff group, and the Members group can have the Designer role.
Editor Editors can create, edit, and delete records. The Staff group, the Members group, and the Guests group can have the Editor role.
Author An author can create new records and can edit or delete a record where the value of the OwnedBy field is the author's user name. The Staff group, the Members group, the Guests group, and the Anonymous group can have the Author role.
Depositor Depositors can create records, but they can't view, edit, or delete existing records. The Staff group, the Members group, the Guests group, and the Anonymous group can have the Depositor role.
Reader Readers can read existing records as well as browse the files of a web, but they can't create new records or edit or delete existing records. The Staff group, the Members group, the Guests group, and the Anonymous group can have the Reader role.
Data Reader Data Readers can read existing records, but they can't browse the files of a web, create new records, edit, or delete existing records. The Staff group, the Members group, the Guests group, and the Anonymous group can have the Reader role.
No Access The No Access role prevents a group from accessing the web or folder in any way. Any group except the owner and Administrators group can be assigned this role.

When you create a new web or a new table in an existing web, each group is assigned a default role. The following table shows the default role for each group, for a new web.

Group Default Role
Owner Owner
Administrators Administrator
Staff Editor
Members Author
Guests Author
Anonymous No Access

Each group has a maximum role that can be assigned to that group, as shown in the following table.

Group Maximum Role
Owner Owner
Administrators Administrator
Staff Manager
Members Manager
Guests Author
Anonymous No Access

By default, a folder inherits the security settings of its parent.

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