.csv file
The .csv file extension indicates a comma separated value file.
.data file
A .data file stores the basic schema and compartmentalization of the data in a data table. .data files are place holders for the raw data of your data table.
.mdb file
The .mbd file extension indicates an Access database file. You can import .mdb files into your webs by using the DataWeb designer.
.view file
A .view file presents the raw data in data tables in a customized fashion. For example, with a .view file you can present only a part of the total data found in a data table. Or a .view file might present data from many different data tables.
.css file / cascading style sheet file
A CSS file is a cascading style sheet file.
These files define some of the basic layout features of the different pages
of your web.
Access Database: An Access Database is a relational database. Relational databases are able to store raw data, as well as many different relationships between the different parts of the raw data.
action bar
An action bar is a user-defined collection of buttons used for manipulating the data in a data table. For example, the user can define the action bar to include buttons for inserting and deleting records to a data table.
The AddressBook is a data table created automatically whenever you create a new web. The AddressBook data table contains information about the identity of the members of your web, as well as information about each member's security level.
data table
Data tables store the basic raw data of your DataWeb web. A data table consists of a data folder and inside of that folder resides a .data file. This .data file is a place holder for the raw data. Data tables also contain .view files. .view files act as customizable windows on the raw data in the data table.
data folder
folders contain (1) the raw data of a data table, (2)
a .data file, which records the basic schema for the
raw data, and (3) at least one .view file, which defines
a way of presenting the raw data of the data table.
data types
The DataWeb Engine supports the following data types: text, date, numeric (integer and decimal), HTML, URL, user and Boolean data.
Each time you create a new data table a file named default.view is automatically created as well. The default.view file defines a basic way of viewing the raw data recorded in the data table. The default.view file is automatically created in the data folder associated with the data table.
See DataWeb Designer.
drop-down field
Drop-down fields allow the user to modify a data table by selecting one item from a predefined list of items. For example, if a data table includes a field for a member's sex, a drop-down field could be incorporated into the data table to allow the user to select from a list of possible field values, in this case, "male" or "female"
File Directory
The File Directory is displayed on the left hand side of the Designer; it displays the files and folders of a given web application. The folder at the top of the File Directory is called the 'root' or the 'web root'.
DataWeb designer
The DataWeb designer is an environment for creating and modifying your
web application. The DataWeb designer has three basic parts: the File Directory, the Work Area, and the Properties Pane. To access a web page through the Designer, append '_admin=contents' to its URL.
images folder
A folder title "images" is created automatically each time you create a DataWeb web. Use this folder to store the images you wish to incorporate into your web.
jump bar
The jump bar allows you to navigate between the records displayed in a view.
lookup field
A lookup field allows the user to draw information from one data table into another data table in a standardized and efficient manner. For example, suppose a web contains two data tables, one which records a company's employees and another which records the company's different departments. The user can create a lookup field in the table of employees to draw information from the table of departments. You can also build more complex table joins by using lookup fields.
object instance
An object instance is a compound data type which is
(generally) user-constructed and modifiable.
object prototype
object prototype is a ready-made, non-modifiable object, from which object
instances are constructed. For example, when a String object instance is
constructed, the String prototype object is used as a template from which the
object instance is copied:
var stringInstance = new String();
primary key
Each data table in you web application contains column called the primary key. This column uniquely identifies each record in the data table. By default the primary key of a table is an auto-incrementing integer field. However, you can change the primary key to a field of a different data type if you wish.
Properties Pane
The Properties Pane is displayed on the right hand side of the Designer. Editting views and data tables via the properties pane is the primary tool for creating web applications with the DataWeb Designer.
A record is a an single row of data in a data table.
relational data table
A relational data table is a data table which draws information from other data tables. For example, if your web contains individual data tables for a company's employees, departments, and salary levels, then you can build a new relational data table which draws from and displays information from these three data tables.
root, root folder, web root
The root folder is the top level folder of a web application. The root folder always has the same name as the web application itself.
security groups
There are five different security groups, Owner, Admin, Staff, Member, and Guest, each of which can be assigned a different security role
security roles
There are eight different security roles, Owner, Admin, Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Depositor, Reader, and No Access, which specify different levels of access to folders and scripts.
table schema
The table schema lays down the basic place holders for the raw data of a data table. The table schema of a data table can be modified by clicking on the .data file, found within the data folder of a data table.
Task Area
The Properties Pane is sometimes referred to as the 'task area'.
The template is a framework view within which you can place the different views and pages of your web.
A view is a document which displays data from a data table. You can also update and insert data into a data table via a view. A single data table can have multiple views, and each different view can display selected parts of the complete data table.
web root
The web root is the folder which contains all the other folders and files of your web. The web root is at the top of the hierarchy of folders and files which make up an individual
web application. Also the web root folder has the same name as the web
application itself.
Work Area
The work area is the middle panel of the Designer. The work area is a drop and drag environment for creating and editing the pieces of your web application, including views, data tables, script files, etc. See Designer, File Directory and Properties Pane.