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 Doc Fremont's | View Sample 

   Description:Doc Fremont's is an inventory and customer management system built for a fictional company. It showcases many  HotRAD features. Check out the preview to see it in action, or download it and look under the covers to see how it works.

   Website URL:

   Category: Other
   Current Version:1.1
   Previous Versions:1
   Last Update:10 Oct 2005

   Browser Support:Chrome 60.x and above
Internet Explorer 11.x and above



View Sample 
User Comments:

| jennifer, 12 Oct 2001
This web rocks!

| Anonymous, 31 Aug 2004
ay ay ay la policia me la esta jalando!

| Anonymous, 14 Nov 2015
Dobrfd den. Dorty jsou ne1dherne9. Mysledm, že hezced jsem nikdy nevidela. Premfdšlela jsem, že by se mi moc ledbilo a chtela bych vyzkoušet upect dort ve tvaru diltamana, nebo s dalmatinem na naši klubovou vfdstavu. Jsem však zace1tecnedk, naprostfd amate9r co se tfdke1 dortu, mysledte, že by jste mi mohla poradit, napredklad, kde cerpat informace, nejake9 ne1vody a podobne?predem dekuji za Ve1š casMonika Peledškove1

| Anonymous, 19 Nov 2015
Dobrfd den. Dorty jsou ne1dherne9. Mysledm, že hezced jsem nikdy nevidela. Premfdšlela jsem, že by se mi moc ledbilo a chtela bych vyzkoušet upect dort ve tvaru <a href="">damnitala</a>, nebo s dalmatinem na naši klubovou vfdstavu. Jsem však zace1tecnedk, naprostfd amate9r co se tfdke1 dortu, mysledte, že by jste mi mohla poradit, napredklad, kde cerpat informace, nejake9 ne1vody a podobne?predem dekuji za Ve1š casMonika Peledškove1

| Anonymous, 20 Nov 2015
Fremont Solstice Parade 2008 (6535)   If you have a web site and want to see a classic exlmape of how to write for a search engine, look at that post.a0 I took mediocre photos, went to press fast, wrote a descriptive title and repeated the title text inside the post.a0 Far better photographers and writers are buried in the search results. [url=]ddkoatn[/url] [link=]jpkzhhj[/link]

| Anonymous, 22 Nov 2015
Yours is a clever way of <a href="">thiiknng</a> about it.

| Anonymous, 23 Nov 2015
mhn kopsete thn thn vatele stis 9 h sths 7 einai teleio to sirial!!!eseis den kanete ligo upomonh kai 9a anevoun ta einai nwris akoma kai stis 11 pou to valate ola ta paidia exoun sxoleio logiko einai na mhn to vlepoun...opote6 7 h otan teleiwsei h sila stis  6 [url=]bwwkes[/url] [link=]degdavzwo[/link]

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1.1 2.0

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